sabato 29 marzo 2014

Grey 'uns go faster.

Well, not really.
But their assembling process was quicker than ever!
Despite having a ton of miniatures waiting for proper paint, I decided to build an Orc Blood Bowl Team.
Work is still far from completion, but they're playable (atleast they can face my BB Dark Elves ) with a couple of proxy.

These guys are the blitzers. The Allorc Brother Blitzers, precisely.
Their numbers will be, left to right, 3, 3.2, 4 and 4.2. Orcs have issues with numbers, ya' know.

The big guy on the left is a Black Orc. His brothers are yet unassembled, but soon to come.
Next we have number 9, the lineorc, ready for an opponent's charge.
Tall guy is the Troll, n.11. He will have joints protection on all his limbs and I'm thinking about sculpting him an helmet out of green stuff.
The naked one on the right is the Thrower. He'll probably get Leader sooner or later, so he's portrayed like if he's shouting some order or team tactic. Number three, it seems. But orcs have issues with numbers, so I wouldn't bet on that.
The small one, the Goblin, has already a name: Looby. I think it says all.

Oh yes, I also built a couple of Runners for the Nagarroth Nightmares. I'm really happy with the result!

Plus I'm working on two battlefields... but this will be another post!

giovedì 13 marzo 2014

Blood drops

 Just a minor update, with the last progresses on the BB team.

I tried a reddish colour, but it ended up too red:

So I went for a darker armor.
It looks better, but stil I'm not sold on it.

Helmet needs some more whiter blue highlight, and I'm on doubt about the white shoulderpad.

And that's the final version, pretty much.
Shoulder pad looks better close to the finished helmet.

Anyway, that's it for now!

sabato 8 marzo 2014

Rising elves rising!

Today I primed up Blood Bowl Dark Elves team, so they're almost on the pipe for painting!

I had some hobby time left, so I tooled a little with the Rising Sun Army I had planned some time ago (you can see the mage of the army here), an High Elf Army of an Oriental island, that I could play as a Wood Elf army aswell.

Those poor elves got delayed because of my bits' order taking a huge time arriving.
So it's time to build the army core and, being them high/wood elves, I started out with a sample archer.

I made an attempt on the look of the Ashigaru-like hat with plasticard.
It's a new for me, so the next one will most likely be better! :P

Painting schedule of the upcoming blog entries (random order):

- Blood Bowl Dark Elves
- High Elves