giovedì 10 aprile 2014

My Blood Bowl Custom Pitch: "Waaagh! Springs Stadium" - part 1

Following my newest miniature addiction - Blood Bowl -, I embarked on a crazy project: building my own, portable pitch.

After a couple of weeks of lax planning, I came up with the idea of a semi-wasteland scenario for the Orc team I'm assembling.
A Dark Elf stadium would have been cool also, with spikes, sharp bits and gothic structures.
But it would have taken too much time, a lot of skill and effort and, mostly, would have been too much emo for my tastes! :P

I wanted to make it portable, so it could be stored or transported with ease.

So after a couple of sketches I raided my local DIY shop and bought a few wood panels (2*60x60x0.8mm; 6*60x5x0.8mm; 1*60x10x0.8mm), screws, iron angles, hinges, polystirene sheets and some acrylic paint.

I then started assembling the panels (and to be honest with no idea or blueprint, just the rough sketch I drew on a block notes).

Hooray! It somehow worked!

I then proceeded with the side bars, to make the panels look more like a suitcase.

Hey, you can make a mouse track, with the same materials! :D
After the sides of the box were done, I started cutting the polystirene sheets to suit my needs.

More to follow. ;)

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