giovedì 10 aprile 2014

My Blood Bowl Custom Pitch: "Waaagh! Springs Stadium" - part 2

I carefully made sure that Polystirene sheets were cut in order to suit the hringes' placement.

I originally prepared the field itself, with a central strip that can be removed before closing the suitcase.


 Blocks resulted 3cm wide, not the "official" 27mm.
I just used a pencil to carve the polystirene.


I completed the blocks for the entire gaming area.


 And there we go!

 To the main pitch, I added a dugout each side and a turn/reroll counter.

And since it's a desert-like scenario, I cut some rocky pillars out of polystirene.

At the other side of the rocky pillars, I made a couple of hills with what will be a pond/ river/ lake inbetween.

Always using a pencil, I carved the "scatter D8" and the dugouts.

 Once all the gaming zones were completed, I poured vinyl glue all over the squares, sprinkling thin sand over the blocks.

In order to obtain a more "desert-like" look, I used toilet paper with watered-down vinylic glue, before covering the whole area with sand.

I then shook off the sand from the blocks, once dried.

And in the next update:
painting time!

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